Saturday, March 12, 2016

Kheladiddhaya football coach Upendra Man Singh awarded, including Bimal and renaissance

12th South Asian Games Football Tournament gold medal-winning greens kheladiddhaya Bimal Ghartimagar and sunrise are the best respected. ... thumbnail 1 summary
भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !

12th South Asian Games Football Tournament gold medal-winning greens kheladiddhaya Bimal Ghartimagar and sunrise are the best respected. Nexus Academy by a program in Kathmandu on Saturday sagama gold medal important contribution to be honored, including kheladiddhaya Ghartimagar and sresthalai cash. On the occasion of the national team goalkeeper coach upendramanasinhalai was also awarded. Players and coaches will be given cash Academy awarded 11 thousand 1 hundred and 11 rupees and was honored by kadarapatrale. Sagama navayugale most 7 goals in 23 years, Nepal had played an important role in sagama srvana medal. Nepal two months after winning the title two large samarthakalari important role in the program. Similarly, Bangabandhu Gold Cup Football Tournament in Nepal Upendra Man Singh was the goalkeeper coach.

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