Saturday, March 12, 2016

Women in Rhunjel Nidesh '

Between seven cannon located chateau Grer Bseko Cisapani Batuk Bhairav ​​Barvko statuesqueness Mahilale Hern Nhune religious belief and age ... thumbnail 1 summary
भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
Between seven cannon located chateau Grer Bseko Cisapani Batuk Bhairav ​​Barvko statuesqueness Mahilale Hern Nhune religious belief and age six. Forcing the Grn Diindan Mahilalai Cisapani Gdima Ahilesamm. Hune Jnbiswas g Gdibitrko Batuk Barvko statuesqueness Mahilale Herema unwelcome.

Old woman entered Gdibitr Grn Paunuprne Bnda Diँda Aaka Cn Adikarkrmile pressure. Level, priest Manbhadur Bncn Paudel, 'the priest Rhesamm Mahilalai Chirn Dinn, somewhere unwelcome task Byo Bne Ysko Ksle Linc?' Instant death Smayma Bdahakimko shorter temple Chirn Khojda Offan Jler Budapaka Btauँcn Bako. History Explorers Kedarprasad Hetundaka Nyupaneko Bne g Fkr argument.
'1 9 76 Salma Bdahakim a Kadeelai Fassi temple Huँda Bella hang their shorter days Sthanma Gaka Forcing Luker Hern Thiin Gaki' Nyupanele Bne 'Tyhaan Bdahakimki 22/23 Warski Corile Barvko naked and Unle Puarnkdko statuesqueness Dekin Offulai Niantrnma Skinan Rakn. Let death Tyhi Murthysँg contagion Gurney Kramma Rgt Cader g Bako history. "The temple Mahilalai Smaydeki stop Prvesma Lgaiako Btauँcn Nyupane.
Gdima Aclo priest
Yhaanko Batuk Bhairav ​​Mndirma priest Nhuँda daily Pujaajasmet Rokine Grc Paudel. Hetuँda-Kulekhani-Katmadun Choto Duriko Margantrgt Mkwanpurko Bimfedi -8 g ma Sdkceuma Rheko Cisapani chateau Snrkshnko Abavma Bewarise Avsthama Pugeko.
Theo den administrative Bdahakimko Salsamm Cisapani 2018 chateau. The name lives here Drta Graarmatra Paintheo Katmadun. 181 9 9 Gteko Bdu Akikrnpshchat Cisapani Nepal Nepal chateau Forcing inclusion Adirajyama Theo Bako.
Chara Dishama Cannon
Yo chateau Motai eight fit, fit Ghirai 22, 65 and 36 fit fit Lmbai Gerama triangle shaped building Huँda Ashtkonma Griako g. Nepal Prithvi Shahle Akikrnko Kramma Hraun Angrejhrulai to establish a temple here Kalbarvko Grcu Bni Bakl Thia Greka.
Prithvi Gdima Rheko Acase Shahle British cannon using Fujlai Hrauँda Batuk Barvko Greco history and temple founded Kalabhairava Uhaanle Ck'angrejhrulai Hraapchi Grnubako local Budapaka Btauँcn "Bne Pudelle priest," Prithvi Kalbarvlai Shahle Acase Topbitr shut Raknubako history Grer g, g Bitr Ahilesamm Canan Hereka Kholer astringent. "
Old woman entered Gdibitr Grn Paunuprne Bnda Diँda Aaka Cn Adikarkrmile pressure. Level, priest Manbhadur Bncn Paudel, 'the priest Rhesamm Mahilalai Chirn Dinn, somewhere unwelcome task Byo Bne Ysko Casale Linc? "
Striking black Tople Rakiako Frkaar Dkshintrf Prsamm Grn SCC 61 kilometers. 15 g fit Lmbai Ysko nine inches Rheko use Bne Topama the defeat Golahruma Mr three Jngbhadur Lekiaka Cn. Paudel Bncn "poke Rksulsamm Kalitople g Greco history."
Philo Rheko Purwatrf Tople Bagmati Kholasamm poke SCC Grn. Dosro Tople Bimfediko Supidasamm, Pshcimtrf Rakiako Pokrasamm Tople, Dkshintrf Rakiako Tople Hetundako Ratomatesamm poke SCC Grn.
Batuk Barvko nominal Senako Batuk Dal company Viksnk Gate 30 1842 stilted establishment Theo Bako. Nepali team Senako Batuk recent Rheko g Ithrima. Here Rheko Senako Maoist armed contingent Dwndwko Smayma Htaiako Theo. Tysyta Cisapani chateau Aclo Pujariko Jimmama Rheko g.
Security Abavma Viksnk Salma valuable Ptrchratn 2068, Senior Citizens Mukutmala Theo Bako stolen crown. Forcing research Gare Prhrile Lamo time stolen goods spread Baka Sken Parn. District administration routes Sthaniywasile Tysyta Caryalyma security Milaidin Grda Thupra slammed Thia Deligesn Gaka.
"Can Rajyko attention Ytro Srkarko Bchaunetrf property ', the temple president Sitaram Thapale Administration Smitika Bne' Aswasnmatr Piun, Assistant Chief District Officer Cndrabhadur Karkile Cank'mkwanpurka Bako work Ysbare Bujer Clfl Bdaine Agi said. "Contingent Senako Rakne Bnnebittika Huँdan Kura, a stickler Ysbare Clfl Grcu" Bne Unle.
Forcing the issue Dhupbtti Grn
Mkwanpurko major religious and tourist attention Nikayle Diako Can Srokarwala Snrkshnma Kshetrbitr Prne Cisapani chateau. Bako priest Pudelko Gunaso g daily Dhupbtti Mndirma Balnsmet problem. "Government agencies Shyogko a nominal monthly Mkwanpurle District Court 50 days Greco Rupaya G, Unle Bne 'Pujapatko cost money worship Grn Aakale Khilekahiँ Grcn days, NEI Tarda Aako holiday L'Baki filthy." Gurry Pujariko days Bimfedi Gavisle summoned in more Forcing appointment Gare 14 Warsdeki Pudelle assigning priests summoned Npaako.
Gdiko ownership Gavisma work Nbakale Grn problem Bimfedi Bako Sapkotale Gaviska secretary Badri said. 'Chateau archeology Vibagko Swamitvma g Tyhaan Rheko Committee Bako Can Drta Forcing', Unle Bne 'work Tysaile g Grn problem. "Forcing the Kehi Warsagisamm Pujareelai Diँda allowance available Graun Nskeko Gavisle recently described Unle.
Cisapani Gdiko 18 hectares transcendence Jminmdhye Gdile Ogteko 13 Ropnibahek other All Jmin Sthaniyle Greka Cn. "Drbarko Jminma hotel and Paslhru Thapiaka Cn ', the temple president Thapale Bne Smitika Administration," stickler Htaun Skdanana government Nikayle Diँdan Chaso. "Forcing Rheko Kramma Drtako Unle committee stated.
Kadeelai bag a place
Baka Nepalma Krib Dui agencies Gdimdhye strategic Mhtwko Senvanshiy Gdihru- Makwanpur chateau, Sindhuligdi, Hrihrgdi, won the chateau, chateau main Maninc Kategdi and Chaudndilgaytka Gdimdhye Cisapani. Mallkalin Smayma Palpaka Senvanshiy King Manimukundpur (Viksnkl575-l6l0) take Corahrulai Anshbndako Kramma Kanchha chhora Lohada Senko Bagma Makwanpur chateau Dii Cutta and independent Rajyanirman g Bako history.
Yinka Rajykalma foot-Katmadun Gurney Naka Cisapanima Surcshaka construction cost Killagdi Maninc Bako, level Betiako Ahilesamm Can concrete evidence. Killa chateau here, effective, execution Khalto days, administrative building, security Talim Tuँdikel Thia Gurney location. Ti place in more Bgnavseshko Cn.
Six main Gdibnda floor Khalto Sano, former prisoner Tyha Apradhilai Fausi days Griako Theo Bne Filter the Nbako Karagarma Grintheo Rakne. Regional prison chief Cirtrgivi Bimfedika Bncn Thapa, 24 military Gnta Kadeelai Khuttama nail Lgaar Utn Lgaine g Greco history. Unihrule water and heat Cekn Attau Pauँthe Bora. "
Mnglbar only strong
Here regular Pujaarcna and Dsan Salsamm Bimfedi Mkwanpurko Sdrmukam Huँda 2040, Ashwin Shukla, special Puja Hune Grthyo Adima Chaitra Shukla. Vigt 14 Warsdeki priest Pudelle early-Beluka Pujapat Grda Aaka Cn. "Kuna Puja day Ramrri Ban Bne Gauँka Mance Birami Hune, Aune Grc different problem," Bne Unle.
Thp Mahinasamm Deshle last three cornered 12 Gteko Mahabhukmppchi Biptti Byhorn Npros Bner Chaubisa Gnta light Baliako Unle described here. Signed Barvlai Batuk Mahinabr and strong Cddan Naurthako Awnsideki Ashtmisamm. Sata Mnglbarmatr Smayma killed each other here Grinc Diine.
Chronic Gdeelai kill Bhukmpako
Three cornered the last 12 and 2 to 9 can be found Gteko Bhukmple Cisapani Gdiko Prkhal Charkinuka Satha Batuk Bhairav ​​Mndirko Btkiako Theo Garo. Archaeological Vibagko 50 thousand Nepalese Senako Rupaya Shyogma Mndirko Btkiako Pudelle priest said Garo Lgaako.
Chateau reconstruction
District Development Committee initiative Thaleko g Mkwanpurle Cisapani chateau Punrnirmanka cost. Grn Brkra kernel development in more affluent tourist sectors Gdiko Protection District Prisdbat Centdrasँg Awn 26 million Rupaya decision Griako Gurney Road District Development Committee authorized Ramakrishna Thapale Mkwanpurka assigning senior social development. "Conservation and Punrnirmanko Guruyojana Cisapani Gdiko Bnairheka Cun ', Unle Bne.
Tpaiko response

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